Testimonials about Tourism Radio


The Hon. Michael Chan
Minister of Tourism and Culture Ontario

"Please accept my sincere congratulations on this milestone...
I appreciate your commitment to keeping visitors and residents apprised of tourism events along Highway 400, and for helping to promote this beautiful area of our province..."


The Hon. Peter Van Loan
MP York-Simcoe 

"This radio station will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and success of our community...The content you offer will be valued by both locals and visitors... I can assure you I will tune in frequently for information on attractions and events...I know this project is an important addition to our media."


The Hon. Julia Munro
MPP York-Simcoe

"Tourism is one of the most important industries in my riding of York-Simcoe and indeed other neighbouring areas. The services of this new radio station will certainly benefit our local economy, creating jobs and prosperity. You are to be commended for your initiative for developing this.....that will serve both visitors and local residents. I know I will be tuning in..."


County of Simcoe

"At its meeting...County Council approved the following recommendation of the Performance Management Committee...that the request from Tourism Radio regarding... Tourism Information Radio, be supported"


City of Orillia

"Council received ...the correspondence as informational and indicated it supports Tourism Radio. We wish you all the best with the future of Tourism Radio"  


Mayor Mike MacEachern
Town of New Tecumseth

"I am pleased to provide this letter of support for the recently launched Tourism Radio 96.9 FM. On behalf of The Town of New Tecumseth, we welcome Tourism Radio to our community as it has recently been approved as a non-commercial radio station by the CRTC to provide information to tourists along Highway 400. The Town of New Tecumseth is a great place to live, work and play. Tourism Radio 96.9 FM will be an important outlet to inform listeners whether residents or visitors -as to what’s happening in and around our Town and throughout Simcoe County. We are proud of our community partnership with local media outlets and believe that Tourism Radio will bring value to the Town of New Tecumseth."


Township of Essa

"Essa Township Council approved the following resolution...Whereas Tourism Radio has been approved by the CRTC for a license for a non-commercial radio station to provide information to tourists along Highway 400; and Whereas Tourism Radio is encouraging the County of Simcoe, tourism operators and municipalities along Highway 400 to join in a tourism network with Tourism Radio and other stakeholders to promote tourism... therefore be it resolved that Council support, in principle, the initiative by Tourism Radio."


Town of Innisfil          letter of support

"The Economic Development Advisory Committee recently received a presentation by Doug Edwards...the Committee reviewed the information and concurred that this would be of benefit to the municipality with respect to the advertisement of events and as an opportunity to inform the many commuters on highway 400...Thus this letter will confirm the town's support for their initiative"



Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury

"Whereas Tourism Radio has been approved by the CRTC for a license for ...radio station to provide information to tourists along Highway 400...to join in a tourism network with Tourism Radio and other stakeholders to promote tourism and to encourage billboard advertisers to provide a small amount of their billboard space to 96.9 FM ...therefore be it resolved that Council supports in principle the initiative by Tourism Radio."


"The Township Council ….passed the following resolution…

Tourism Radio is encouraging the County of Simcoe, tourism operators and municipalities along highway 400 to join in a tourism network with Tourism Radio and other stakeholders to promote tourism and to encourage billboard advertisers to provide a small amount of their billboard space to 96.9 FM… Council supports in principle the initiative by Tourism Radio."



Jack Lynch
Travel Promotion Officer
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation

"It certainly looks like you are getting ready to go live.  Our event programming is aired on stations in this area on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 52 weeks a year.  Each report runs about 1 minute in length and details events and activities in this region...Good luck."


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